ISB Handbook
Guide to Our School
You can look through the document below or consult the same document as a pdf.
- The school
- Accreditation
- Governance
- Guiding Statements
- Community Participation
- Home-School Communication
- Communication Guidelines
- Parent Resources
- Learning at ISB
- Curriculum
- IB Learner Profile
- Classes and Assessment
- Learning Services
- Learning and Wellbeing Support Services (LWSS)
- Child Protection
- General Data Protection Regulation (Gdpr)
- Practical information
- School Hours
- Supervision
- Transport
- Orientation in and around ISB
- Supplies
- Events at ISB
- Field Trips and Excursions
- After School Activities
- Dress and Appearance
- Clothing for PE classes
- Food and Drink
- Leaving School Premises during school hours
- Student Visitors
- Property and Belongings
- Rules and Regulations
- Attendance in Grades 1 to 10
- Student Rights and Responsibilities
- Code of Conduct
- Playground Rules
- Acceptable Use of Information Technology
- Academic Honesty Policy
- Anti-Bullying Policy and Plan
- If We Create a Problem for Ourselves or Others
- Student Due Process Rights
- Complaint Procedure
- Health and Safety
- Sickness
- Guidelines for Handling of Medicines
- Head Lice
- First Aid
- Evacuation and Other Drills
- Insurance of Students
- School Nurse
- School Health Services: Grades 1 To 10
- Dental Services