Mission and Vision
Core Values
- Coming together and working towards a common goal
- Supporting, motivating and valuing others
- Strong partnerships creating a genuine feeling of family
- Safe, caring and friendly environment
- Appreciating and including everyone
- Developing hearts and minds
- Being true, fair and honest to ourselves and others
- Basing decisions on what is best for the greater good
- Trying to always do our best
- Demonstrating the courage to be ourselves
- Treating others as we wish to be treated
- Embracing and celebrating individual and cultural diversity
- Being open-minded and learning from others
- Valuing ourselves
- Taking care of our own and others’ property
- Being accountable for our words and actions
- Taking care of the environment
- Contributing positively
- Creating a stimulating learning environment
- Striving to be dynamic world citizens
Core Beliefs
We believe that the education provided at ISB should reflect the school’s core values and objectives.
Our international curriculum allows ISB students to evolve into confident individuals and caring citizens of the world.
We believe that:
A successful school celebrates similarities and differences, encourages the development of global citizens, promotes a healthy and secure learning environment, enjoys a supportive and involved community and connects with the rest of the world
– Community
All learners can experience success, gain self confidence, become self-directed learners and become positive contributors in a community of different cultures
– Integrity
An effective community of learners is knowledgeable in their respective content areas, have different teaching styles, recognize and work with different learning styles and unique talents and work hard to grow personally and professionally
– Respect
A successful educational programme meets the needs of and actively involves all students, supports student growth and success, is integrated, continually developing, multi-dimensional, inquiry based and models life skills
– Responsibility
Core Objectives
ISB aims to:
Provide a positive and enriched learning environment for all
– Community
Uphold the rights of all individuals and build academic honesty while developing lifelong learning skills
– Integrity
Foster an atmosphere of cooperation, open mindedness and a positive attitude towards ourselves and others
– Respect
Offer a quality educational programme which enables each student to achieve personal excellence in learning for life
– Responsibility